Voice and Bassoon

Green, Anthony – Conduct thy Footsteps… (2019/2021 arrangement for Pushback)*
Chacon, Raven – TBD (2021)*
Piratesh, Sepher – TBD (2020)*
Lu, Yi-Ting – Float (2020)*
Simms, Bekah – I watch you beheading (2019)
Al-Zand, Karim – Songs from the Post-Truth Era (2018)*
White, LJ – Shuffled Notes from “A Guide to Drag Kinging” (2018)*
Kim, Binna – February 19, 1958 (2018)*

Voice, Bassoon, and String Quartet

Chandler, Theo – Tamora Monologues (2018)*

*indicates premiere

Solo Voice

Castro, Chris - Brooklyn Narcissus (2017)
Lockwood, Annea and Harjo, Joy - I Give You Back
Berio, Luciano - Sequenza III (1969)

Solo Bassoon

Abondano, Michele - Infinitely Ethereal (2018)
Billone, Pierluigi - Legno.Edre II: Edre (2003)
Billone, Pierluigi - Blaues Fragment (2010)
Fischer-Lochhead, Chris - grandFather (2014)*
Fujikura, Dai - Calling (2011)
Hurtado, José-Luis, The Untitled 1b (2020)*
Lim, Liza - Axis Mundi (2013)
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - In Freundschaft  (1982)
Tennikova-Satral, Daria - Monstrous Menagerie (2016)*
*indicates work premiered